OLD DAVIDEAN DAN LYCETT BECOMES HEAD OF PE AT SDC! | St. David's College Old Davideans Association

A big welcome to Old Davidean Dan Lycett who has just taken over as Head of PE at St. David's College! Here, he is pictured with his year group team in their South Africa Tour Kits in 1996 and some years later at an ODA rugby match. Dan is organising Rugby 7's for this year's ODA Reunion Weekend on November 7th. 

Before and after! Still a strong team.


Called Head's Bluff
The people are, from left to right: - Nick Percy-Davies, Bob Phoenix, Ollie Piercy, Stuart Tan, Jimmy Booth, Alex Atkinson, Lucy Buckley, Peter Guthrie, Sacha Sank, Justin Oxenham and James Clarke.