MEET AT THE MITRE | St. David's College Old Davideans Association
The best one yet - ODA’s ranging from the youngest, the be-jewelled nosed Molly Jenkins with her friend Cara Lyons, to the eldest Martin Myatt, who entered St David’s in its second term of existence, Spring 1966. There were announcements of engagements, weddings, children and promotions. In addition to OD’s and partners, there were top end staff, a governor, a marketeer, an archiver, and old staff in attendance. There were reminisces, some repeatable, some not. Old friendships were re ignited and new ones were formed. There was much communication between the young and the old. It was a perfect example of the St David’s family in operation, and it went on so long that there was a ‘lock in’ at the pub!
Simon Buckley