OLD DAVIDEAN TIM VINCE BECOMES CHAIR OF GOVERNORS | St. David's College Old Davideans Association
The ODA is proud to announce that Tim Vince, Old Davidean, is now Chair of Governors at St. David's College.
Tim Vince is a former Head Boy of St David's and has served as a Governor since 1990. He also did a brief stint as Chair of the ODA!
After leaving St. David's, Tim achieved a BA (Hons) in 3D Design and an MSc in Polymer Technology and a prestigious national design award (which he credits to years of fun working alongside Keith Lennard in the St David’s workshops). He went on to manage family property and manufacturing businesses, worked at WH Smith Retail Head Office and has been a successful international management consultant and entrepreneur over the last two decades. He is married to Simone and has two children Oliver and Helena who are currently pupils at Stowe School in Buckinghamshire.
Tim says that his sense of gratitude and debt to John Mayor and the St. David’s staff is a feeling shared by all Old Davideans and not exceptional to him. What is exceptional is the privilege of having an opportunity to give back to the school some of what it invested in him. He says that he joined St David’s 'behaviourally challenged' and left with the confidence, faith and character to succeed in the university of hard knocks.
He looks forward to reconnecting with many Old Davideans at future reunion events.